Nothing Here Newsletter

If the updates here on the website are too infrequent for your tastes, then your best bet is to sign up for the Nothing Here newsletter, which I run with some friends of mine. I think of it as something like a podcast in text form – we share a bunch of interesting links and recommendations, with room for a little conversational back and forth.

If you’re here at this website, then you already know who I am, but let me introduce the rest of the nothinghere team:

We occasionally have guests on board to talk about their projects, interests, et ceteras, and we also have a paid subscription tier for bonus letters – more in-depth reviews, short fiction, weird essays, and other miscellanea. Sign up below, or if you visit this link you can hit the Archive link to get a taste of what it is we do every fortnight.

2 thoughts on “Nothing Here Newsletter”

  1. reading “Repo Virtual” – just wanted to say how f*#ing awesome this book is so far. really well done. i plan on seeing about other titles you’ve written soon. cheers.

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